Quarterly Update (?) of April 2022

I guess it’s that time of the year again: the time to bring about a useless update that nobody reads.

It’s been a while since I’ve written an update. In fact, I believe it’s been a little too long; I don’t remember how to construct coherent sentences anymore! But, regardless, there has been much ado about nothing these past few months.

I have renewed my subscription for RuneScape, but what’s the point? For some reason, I stopped playing RuneScape again in favor of just… spending time doing nothing. Well, actually, I spend most of the time I’d spend playing games on YouTube instead. I’m also doing problems at LeetCode, although not much is happening on that front either.

Since this post is already a trainwreck, I’ll just shoehorn even more trash in: LeetCode is an extremely annoying website. That’s it. Everybody has code that’s 100% faster and more memory-efficient than everybody else’s. Then, half of the problems are these idiotically abstract and arcane walls of text that are so out of this world that I just can’t even be bothered to understand the problem text in the first place. Fuck! If I wanted shit like that, I’d just whip out a book on calculus and do that instead! Fuck all of these trash problems that go all like: “lmao, take this array a and something-something-something and then a[i – 1] something-something invert the corollary quagnaffle something-something-something then do b[a[i + j – 2 * k] % n] but only if something-something-something.”

Look, I can’t even write proper rants anymore. How far the Rude hath fallen. Anyway, the YouTube channel had its ten-year anniversary last month. Somehow, it’s still up, and I don’t know why. I think it’s still pumping out videos that I had set to be publicized weekly on Wednesdays. I should check that.

Actually, fuck that. I’ll just slowly wither away instead. And utilize my RuneScape membership that I paid for and haven’t used in a month. Good job, dumbass.

P.S.: Fuck off, Grammarly.

P.P.S.: I should update my channel’s description; it’s so woefully outdated.

P.P.P.S.: The new WordPress editor is trash. Why does everything have to fall victim to this horrendous “modern” web design bullshit? Half of the space is wasted on empty regions!

Fallout  7💩

There’s this one game that’s been out for a while, and I’ve heard increasingly bad news about it. Can someone please tell me what the hell is wrong with Bethesda and their shitty, sub-par, pseudo-Fallout-4.5 game, “Fallout 76”?

Let’s start with the basics: Why is it called “Fallout 76”? I honestly don’t know. Is it because, in Fallout lore, the bombs dropped in the year 2076? That’s not even the year they dropped. So, it’s not a more refi– Jesus fucking Christ, I can’t say write that with a straight face. Actually, that’s not true, but are you saying it takes place in the pre-war Fallout universe and is not a more refined version of “60 Seconds!”?

Actually, that’s not even true; the true story is that the story is set in 2102 in an alternate fucking timeline and that the player is a resident of Vault 76. That’s how it is, then? Fine. So, if I’m getting this straight, this is essentially a multiplayer, pseudo-battle-royale pile of feces with minimal plot, extremely dry gameplay and an immensely unstable engine to boot. What a fucking joke. It’s an uninspired cash-grab probably created with the same Gamebryo-successor trash heap as “Fallout 4”. Seriously, if you’re having trouble creating as simple a feature as the possibility of uninstalling the damn game, you’re doing something seriously wrong; this is quite a lot worse than that one time I ranted about “Fallout 4” not having proper out-of-disk-space exception handling and not even being able to handle a simple change of the save file location. The latter is just a string of characters, for fuck’s sake. Did they not learn about this during “Programming 101”?

This is why I have stopped jumping on any hype train for anything at all; “Guild Wars 2“, “WildStar” and “No Man’s Sky“, although I never bought the lattermost, have all desensitized me to any kind of hype, and color me surprised if it isn’t one of those times again. Kiss my fucking ass, Bethesda.

I won’t even ramble on about “Diablo: Immortal”; that was just an utter trainwreck and three quarters, and I have had just about enough trainwrecks for one month. Hold on: is it spelled with or without the colon? Actually, never mind; I don’t care. Also, my semi-colons are all over the place today. That’s quite alright.

“No Man’s Buy”

Well, the game has pretty much been released as worldwide as it’s ever going to be, and I can pretty confidently say I’m not going to get it. Originally, I was pretty interested in how the game would turn out, but I lost interest over time as I pondered upon the potential deception Hello Games could have been presenting us with over the last few years, or, as is the case with me, the past three months.  Thus, I eventually forgot about the game until the beginning of this here August month now soon halfway gone by, and it seems it wouldn’t have made much of a difference whether I had continued being renewedly oblivious to the game or, as is indeed the case now, recalled that the game was to be released this August; I know for a fact I am never going to buy it.

So far, I have witnessed a review average of 6/10. Sounds like an overpriced piece of shit, if you ask me. No wonder they kept hiding their little game behind scripted trailers and “gameplay footage” videos.

Once again, the skepticism of certain people has been at a worrying low, including mine. I was excited about WildStar. It sucked. I was excited about Guild Wars 2. It sucked. I wasn’t really excited for Fallout 4 because I had kind of forgotten how long it had been since the previous entry. It’s pretty good once you mod out the shitty conversational UI and possibly make some modifications to the shitty-ish survival mode (i.e. the all-or-nothing approach they did in making it). It would seem the moral of the story is something along the lines of: “Fuck the hype – enjoy what follows ignorance”… or some stupid shit like that.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ll find me something else to play.

21 hours

21 hours. That’s all it took for me to grow sick and tired of Cities: Skylines. After spending too much time trying to figure out why the game kept crashing when I tried to save, I finally gave up on the game just now after building a dam which is currently not working. I was told it would produce some 1080 odd megawatts. Well, it ended up producing 16, six-fucking-teen, megawatts even though it’s tall as fuck and flooded half the upstream riverside neighborhood.

Don’t even get me started on the traffic bullshit. We’ve got garbage trucks not planning ahead, vehicles of all kinds jamming because the dumbfuck A.I. keeps forcing all cars that want to go straight into the same lane, which causes problems when there’s already a kilometer-long queue of shit and the vehicles are trying to squeeze into the queue instead of just switching lanes before reaching the absolute fuckfest of a mess.

I’ve got some screenshots of silly nonsense that I found extra dumb. I guess this is as good a time as any to upload them.


What? How is the area already occupied? The highlighted road apparently already occupying the area is on the other side of the roundabout you stupid twat!


What is this? Why would you even suggest such a stupid shape? The worst thing is one could probably get this to work somehow.


I don’t think firetrucks are supposed to block both lanes like this. If this were a one-way road, it would be a fire hazard, although the firetrucks may not have blocked both lanes then… whatever. It’s still stupid.


Let’s water the plants instead of fighting the fires! Great idea!


Again! How is the area occupied by a piece of road on the other side of the planet?


Oh yeah, here’s the dam that didn’t work. Notice the water level. It’s like twice as high as before the dam was built. You know, before the MASSIVE waste of time, energy and money? Also: 16 MW. Fucking atrocious.

I am sick of this game, and it only took 21 hours. After much ado with crashing and now the bullshit with the dam, I have run out of patience. The game isn’t even that good. It’s mediocre at best. It’s good for short hour-long bursts of gaming, but it’s an awful game for playing over longer periods of time. Stay away from this trash if you’re expecting long nights of enjoyable gameplay: you’ll most likely not be able to play it, anyway. Just go play Dwarf Fortress or Skyrim or something; really any game that’s not broken beyond belief.

And, no, I have no mods installed. They’re all disabled. It reduced the crashing by 5 % or something. Listen, @colossal_order, stop making #shittygames @idiots. Maybe you should #makebettergames and #stoprippingofftwitter. #downwithshit #fuckcitiesskylines #thisisparodyorwhateveridontcarestfu.

Cities: Shittier Programming

Nope. This game is still shit. Even without an ounce of modding, it still crashes retardedly often when I try to save. Not one game has done this before. This is by far some of the worst software I’ve seen that’s this close to AAA.

Seriously, a game like this without a functioning saving system is fucking trash. I’d avoid it for sanity’s sake.

Update: well, I think every city-building game I’ve tried seems to have this problem. Guess they’re all shit, too.

KSP 1.1.2

<rant> It’s shit. There’s a character limit in the craft description field; the new “upgraded” wheel physics are fucking atrocious on the aircraft wheels because the wheels clip through the housing and allow the housing to get dragged along the ground, latching the craft onto the ground and ripping it apart; the administration building UI disappears for me for no fucking reason apart from what I could only assume to be useless twatty programming; the first aviation package unlocked from the science building thing is obviously haphazardly put together because it’s missing crucial parts, such as an adapter for the TINY FUCKING ENGINE and a radial air intake, seeing how there’s a gigantic, sleek, high-tech cockpit with no attachment nodes included.

It seems most of the time has been spent on the physics and space-faring part of the game, which is logical, but the UI and the way the game is put together seems to be in the order of quality comparable to a pile of donkey feces. Maybe I’m just salty, but the game looks incredibly unpolished. The disappearing administration building UI, for instance, is an annoyance that shouldn’t even be there. Apparently, “no reliable reproduction has been found”. Kiss my ass. You’ve got orbital mechanics and aerodynamics programmed into the game, yet you can’t even fix the fucking UI? Wow. Just wow.

And, yes, I’m salty, whatever the fuck that means. People should stop using that term, so I will be the first one to do so. </rant>

More DF nonsense

You know, I really wasn’t hoping to have to make another one of these posts, but I feel like I had to now that I have witnessed some of the dumbest shit I never expected to be a problem. Truth be told, I figured Toady was a competent programmer only seeming slightly incompetent due to the massive scope of this project, but I have come to realize the opposite, because what I just saw is fucking ridiculous.

What is the point of walls? To keep bad things out and good things in, right? Also, they’re good for separating various stuff and creating zones we call “rooms”. Well, if their main strength is supposed to be their ability to block any being trying to pass through them, why is it that I just witnessed three of my fucking military dwarves flying into the fucking moat I had built for defensive purposes? This wasn’t a one-time event. It happened twice: once when two knuckleheads tumbled together collided, sending a spearman neutrinoing through the wall and then promptly followed by a fucktard militia commander being slung through the same wall after a separate collision.

How difficult would it be to create some sort of algorithm that checks whether or not there is a wall in the way? Oh wait, that’s too much to expect. We’re dealing with a history simulator, here, not a game. I would forgive this were it not for the fact that this has apparently been an issue in previous versions dating back at least a whole damn year, such as a certain 0v329000 complaining about the very same issue back in 2014. This is apparently a bug that’s not worth fixing, even though it’s been on the bug tracker for almost two fucking years.

Had I known this to be an issue, I wouldn’t have built my barracks behind a wall next to my moat. Silly me thinking there was enough competent programming in this software not to have walls turn transparent when two idiots collide, sending the lesser flying through the wall with a vengeance.

Yes, I realize this is an unfinished project, and I don’t want to come off as a judgemental cunt, but it’s been two years, for fuck’s sake. Something as dumb as this, which doesn’t seem like a complicated issue, by the way, shouldn’t be a persisting bug for such a long period of time. Once again, the developmental cycle and planning put into Dwarf Fortress are horrid.

Below are some images. Ignore the horribly angled river and incomplete moat full of vegetation.

Got DCcduino? Want drivers? I’s got.

If you’ve got a DCcduino or some other Arduino clone and can’t get it to communicate with any computer, heed the following words:

A DCcduino looks like an Arduino, but it’s not a fucking Arduino because it speaks Chinkese and so can’t communicate with whatever Spanklish-speaking computer you may have tried using for the purpose of communicating with the piece of shit. Because of this very reason, a mutual dictionary has been developed by… some people. This dictionary, which is also probably more appropriately known as a “driver” or a “patch”, mitigates this problem.


As you can see, it’s quite a strange-looking Arduino clone. Why is the processor mounted to the board?

So, where do you get this driver business? Right fucking here: *snip*. Don’t worry about the weird foreign-looking URL or hacker-esque HTML-file. It’s 100 % safe. Maybe. Anyway, have fun creating bombs and shit.

This should go without saying, but don’t actually make a bomb and blow shit up. If that happens, it might just be my ass in jail for inadvertently creating a shitty situation for everybody, especially the people whose pulverized bones and various other innards now lie scattered all over the place.

I give up…

There’s no changing this world. This is absolutely astonishingly bad. Just how incompetent can someone be? Just as I finished work on my previous blog post, I went onto Facebook to check if something had happened. Indeed, something had happened. Now, I’m not a Facebook addict; I quite hate Facebook. The reason I’m mad isn’t because I can’t access Facebook properly, because I honestly don’t give a flying fuck. The actual reason I’m mad is due to the fact that it even happened. There’s a word for this, but hell if I recall what it actually is.

So what is that which is wrong? Remember the post I made just minutes ago, which is actually many hours ago because I scheduled this for posting later, but which in actual reality was written half-an-hour after the previous one I already referred to? Yeah, that one. The YouTube-FuckTube thing with the image I spent an eternity on in PhotoShop because I don’t understand its fuckfest interface. In order to make it look all “proper” and all, I needed to know which fonts were used in the YouTube logo. I looked it up and found a site called “Name That Font” stating that the logo used “Helvetica Ultra Compressed” and the subtitle “Broadcast Yourself™” used “Helvetica Neue 55 Roman”. The former could be downloaded for free on Ephi Fonts, which is weird as it’s for sale for 49 fucking dollars on other websites such as fonts.com. The latter was only for sale, and I couldn’t be arsed paying 49 dollars for a few pixels’ worth of difference compared to the similar font I ended up using for the subtitle, which was “Kartika”, nor could I be arsed to look for a font for a what-should-have-been two-minute project.

Skip forward a few minutes (read: probably a fucking hour), and I published the post. Yay. Happy times. Then I rummage about on the Internet until I stop at Facebook, and I’m met with something like this:

get_out_of_here_with_that_shit____fucking_incompetent_little_shitsSeriously? The entire fucking website is now infected with this horrible font? How difficult is it to make a website which doesn’t change its font based on which fonts you have installed? I installed this font for one purpose, and it just so happened to be a font which Facebook this garbage website is deathly allergic to? You useless, good-for-nothing, overpaid, piece-of-shit programmers and designers! I can’t believe this. Are you so overpaid that you can’t do your jobs? Or… wait… Perhaps it’s the fact that Shitbook is scamming you and giving you shit for salary? *Gasp* An epiphany has been reached!

But regardless, you had one job! Well, you had many, BUT THIS ONE WAS FUCKING IMPORTANT. Scumbags.

P.S.: No, this is not just an issue of mineself:

P.P.S.: It also happens on other websites. I suspect this is a problem which lies with Google Chrome and not just Facebook et cetera. Well, guess what? I guess they better start working on the fucking problem, too! Hop to it!