Wow… I suck…

You may have noticed that I have started “Let’s Playing” PlanetSide 2. Well, if not, fuck you that’s fine. The game’s alright… I guess, but… uhhhhere’s my take on things… my first impressions…

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Fuck doomsday, go Latin

I’m learning Latin, so stfu about doomsday. Nothing has happened to the Australians, so we should be alright. Anyway, I’m just studying for myself, with a book the library “ordered” for me. I’m thinking of keeping this for a while. As for Rygusmul… It’s going to have to wait for a while.

Now, I know what you’re thinking right now. You’re thinking that I’m “a fucking idiot who should learn Russian, German, French or Spanish instead of shitty Latin”. Why? Why the fuck would I? I can’t be arsed learning a completely new alphabet, so fuck Russian. German I already kinda know. French is for fucking gays. Spanish is the most retarded language ever. Seriously, it’s not even a language. Whenever someone says something in Spanish, it sounds like they’re blabbering rubbish or something.


Fucking hell this is going to take a while!



RG² News – Release no. 1

This is RudeGuyGames bringing you the first release of “RG² News”!

Today, we will cover these topics:

  1. Rygusmul
  2. Let’s Plays
  3. randomcrapthatijustdecidedtoincludeinthislistlolololololololimnotsrsbtw

☠WARNING: This post may contain many profane words. Proceed with caution! ☠


The last few days, I have not been able to work on this language. This is due to the simple fact that I just can’t be fucking arsed working on something when I have a fuck-ton of tests and shit to take care of, not to mention it’s fucking Christmas soon, and the fucking cold is unbearable! Seriously, 20 degrees minus. I know it’s not much compared to other places, but geez. Last year, there was one place close to where I live now, where temperatures reached 40 degrees minus! (I’m using the Celsius scale, here. Americans, and others who use the Fahrenheit, Kelvin, or Rankine scale, JUST GOOGLE IT!)


Anyway, my point is, that I haven’t been working on the language for weeks. Well, at least not majorly. There has been a bit of a polishing, but that’s all. I have added a couple of words to the dictionary.


2. Let’s Plays

My latest Let’s Play, Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis, is finally (after a week or so) coming to an end. There’s not really much to record in the game itself. I haven’t done the exercises yet, but that’s because they’re all basically the same, and would only make the LP drag on up to 100-or-so videos. Not really necessary.

As for World of Tanks, I don’t think there will be more videos in the near future. That is, I won’t be RECORDING new videos in the near future. I still have around 20 videos that have yet to be uploaded, which is why there are parts 281, 282 and 283 by the time I’m writing this (actually, they’re still uploading).

So, what will I do after World of Tanks has finished uploading? There are still a fuck-ton of Guild Wars 2 videos I haven’t uploaded, though I don’t even fucking know where the last half of the dungeon video is. I’m pretty sure I saw it somewhere, once. I’ll try to find it, and if I can’t, I’ll just upload whatever videos I find. Also, on a side note, if I can’t find it, it’s my own fault. I actually deleted the file once, and because the trash bin was set to delete any files over 4 GB automatically, I couldn’t retrieve it. Kind of retarded, if you ask me. The brain, I mean. Fuck.

3. randomcrapthatijustdecidedtoincludeinthislistlolololololololimnotsrsbtw


And that’s the widest WordPress blog ever!















PewDiePie — The Reason Many Are Left Alone In the Dark

What is the first thing I think of that causes small Let’s Players like me to EPIC-FAIL at Let’s Playing is either of two things:

  1. I fail completely at Let’s Playing.
  2. There are other Let’s Players who steal potential “fame”.

The first one has an easy solution: criticism. HOWEVER! With the word “criticism” comes the third problem: problem 2 makes problem 1 unsolvable. What this means, is that not only are people ignoring tiny Let’s Players because of the “big ones”. Now, I would not mind that fact, were it not for the fact (lol?) that they all sucked a$$.


Well, I created yet another one of these posts to criticize PewDiePie. Again, I am not only addressing him, but also many others like UHN and Toby. However, PewDiePie is, by far, the most influential character on YouTube at the moment. Therefore, I take my time to write about him, since at the moment, I really don’t have much to do. Well, I could play games, but what the fuck? Skyrim crashes all the time, World of Tanks sucks ass now, Guild Wars 2 is not as good as expected… *sigh*


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