Quarterly Update (?) of April 2022

I guess it’s that time of the year again: the time to bring about a useless update that nobody reads.

It’s been a while since I’ve written an update. In fact, I believe it’s been a little too long; I don’t remember how to construct coherent sentences anymore! But, regardless, there has been much ado about nothing these past few months.

I have renewed my subscription for RuneScape, but what’s the point? For some reason, I stopped playing RuneScape again in favor of just… spending time doing nothing. Well, actually, I spend most of the time I’d spend playing games on YouTube instead. I’m also doing problems at LeetCode, although not much is happening on that front either.

Since this post is already a trainwreck, I’ll just shoehorn even more trash in: LeetCode is an extremely annoying website. That’s it. Everybody has code that’s 100% faster and more memory-efficient than everybody else’s. Then, half of the problems are these idiotically abstract and arcane walls of text that are so out of this world that I just can’t even be bothered to understand the problem text in the first place. Fuck! If I wanted shit like that, I’d just whip out a book on calculus and do that instead! Fuck all of these trash problems that go all like: “lmao, take this array a and something-something-something and then a[i – 1] something-something invert the corollary quagnaffle something-something-something then do b[a[i + j – 2 * k] % n] but only if something-something-something.”

Look, I can’t even write proper rants anymore. How far the Rude hath fallen. Anyway, the YouTube channel had its ten-year anniversary last month. Somehow, it’s still up, and I don’t know why. I think it’s still pumping out videos that I had set to be publicized weekly on Wednesdays. I should check that.

Actually, fuck that. I’ll just slowly wither away instead. And utilize my RuneScape membership that I paid for and haven’t used in a month. Good job, dumbass.

P.S.: Fuck off, Grammarly.

P.P.S.: I should update my channel’s description; it’s so woefully outdated.

P.P.P.S.: The new WordPress editor is trash. Why does everything have to fall victim to this horrendous “modern” web design bullshit? Half of the space is wasted on empty regions!